Swimming meditation revisited

Today I went swimming for my exercise and unfortunately or fortunately, I was surrounded by more noise than one could believe.  I had neglected to think about the fact that private swimming lessons would be going on today and the gym had set aside one lane for laps.  I had mistakenly thought that no oneContinue reading “Swimming meditation revisited”

Day Thirteen of Daddy Boot Camp

So, we have arrived at day thirteen of Daddy Boot Camp.  Life is settling into the routine that it seems my body and personality so crave.  Am I totally comfortable with the new routine?  Yes and No.  Do I miss the old routine?  Yes and No.  Has it been smooth?  Very, with a minor blipContinue reading “Day Thirteen of Daddy Boot Camp”

Teaching and life

Teaching is a very rewardable profession despite its inherent downsides.  One would think from all of the publicity that it is an amazing profession to get into because of the supposed little work it entails. At least, that is what you often hear.  Then you hear, even from members of your own family that, “ThoseContinue reading “Teaching and life”

A snowy day

Today is one snowy day, one that pretty much took me by surprise.  I got up and when I came downstairs noticed that the ground was covered with fluffy white matter.  I quickly got the coffee going and headed outside to push the snow aside.  It actually took longer than I had thought although theContinue reading “A snowy day”

Westminster chimes

  I love clocks.  I love the ticking that they produce; it has a calming effect on me.  I could easily be surrounded by many ticking clocks. Time is ticking away and it is day six of Daddy Boot Camp. I had always wanted a grandfather clock and when my university offered one with anContinue reading “Westminster chimes”

Life is good!

My original title for this entry was, “Control Revisited, Day Four.  By the end of my written meditation, a visual came into my mind that I am sharing with you at the end of this article. For some reason, control is the one thing I think about more than anything.  I am totally convinced thatContinue reading “Life is good!”

Soul searching on Day Thirteen of rehab

Thank goodness, today I slept until almost 8:00 am, pretty unheard for me.  I am confident that the reason it occurred is because of the few hours the previous night.  The odd thing is that yesterday I had no desire to take a nap.  As the evening progressed and we watched a Jeff Daniel’s movie,Continue reading “Soul searching on Day Thirteen of rehab”

Happy New Year, Day Twelve of rehab, life goes on…

It is about 7:45 am in the morning on New Year’s Day and I am unfortunately awake.  Unfortunately because I should frankly be in bed but given the genetics inherited from my dad, I woke up early with the sensation of a headache due to my metabolism, so I got up and grabbed a cupContinue reading “Happy New Year, Day Twelve of rehab, life goes on…”

Confessions of a “Photo Enforcement Intersection” criminal

  Why are we not all “up in arms” at the current push for traffic enforcement cameras at intersections?  Here I speak as a major traffic criminal who has a very clean record for driving and yet, in my travels, I have managed to have three of these lovely infractions under my belt.  I amContinue reading “Confessions of a “Photo Enforcement Intersection” criminal”

Mind wandering on Day Eight of rehab

It is just a smidgen after eight o’clock and once again I find myself sitting with my coffee next to the Christmas tree hoping to absorb some of its magic before getting on with my day.  I did a bunch of my “Hausherr” tasks before getting to this point, getting the coffee underway (I hadContinue reading “Mind wandering on Day Eight of rehab”