To remove or not remove the nest…

4737 – April 12, 2024

Last week, I noticed some wintry mess by the front door of the house. Soon, I realized why, as the flat top of the porch light was the location of a new nest. At first the nest itself was flat, which immediately made me think of mourning dove, but soon it turned into a full nest and the robins Mary Kay had mentioned were clearly the owners. We decided to leave it there, despite the mess, and we also tried to avoid going out the front door, but I think the deal was sealed before that and I think the birds may have realized that this was not the best place for a nest.

My desire to keep things neat and clean is at play but I think I shall try to let go of that as perhaps they may still come back. There is nothing cuter than a baby robin and then, of course, there is that blue egg of the blue I like to use when I write. It is singularly beautiful.

I am going to err on the side of hope that there will be baby robins.

Meanwhile, I have already set up the new, easier kept, cleaned, and filled, hummingbird feeders. I thought I saw that unmistakable, helicopter-like flight of the birds and I don’t want to miss out on a welcome.

I have already set up the hoses to the rain barrels and the pond is getting clearer with each successive day. The rain barrels got some fill yesterday, already.

I have planted some things outside like the cyclamen that is chomping at the bit (this is an experiment – this is just for the summer) and some bulbs we had in a pot as well as campanula, which we bought at Heinen’s. I am seriously thinking of taking the strawberries we had in a hanging basket and refilling the pots with new soil and the plants I wintered over in the back yard. I have at least three strawberry plants and would love to have a repeat of the fun we had grabbing a strawberry each morning.

The wind is relentless and the plants are pulled out of the garage for the day to acclimate them once again to the outside. I can easily put them back in if necessary.

It has been a busy week. Yesterday, surprisingly so as we not only had the usual after school pick up of one granddaughter and her transportation with a friend to dance class, but also had driver ed class duty for another granddaughter and even a visit to chiropractor for her as she tries to heal from a track injury.

I think it all tired me out more than I even know. Last night I slept very well and even managed to snooze while watching a TV show.

Published by RJK

Seventy something, father, educator, organizer, Francophile, traveler, amateur photographer, gardener, cyclist, kayaker, calligrapher, cinephile, reader, and overall renaissance type human being.

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