
4722 – March 26, 2024

Being near this is a meditative exercise in and of itself.

Since being on the trip, my sleep has been amazing. My issue is that I fall asleep easily, but then wake up more often than I would like. I generally fall back asleep easily except for the moments when my mind will not allow my thoughts to calm down. I have been combatting this with meditation, which has not happened during this vacation, but I feel that there are so many things that we are doing that are calming and relaxing to take its place. I am hydrating carefully, eating as well as possible, and keeping the sunscreen in place to be safe, and I am surrounded by good family.

I understand so much better now what produces my anxiety. We had a discussion last night that was good, calming, and yet edging on some of the things that are causes of the things that produce much of my anxiety. I slept very well, yet I did get up more than I wanted during the night.

The result of last night is that I know for a fact that what I originally thought was the main cause is, in fact, the cause of much of my anxiety. My efforts at learning how to manage my feelings by my admitting what I think the cause is is key in my managing it.

It is all good.

We live in a clearly anxiety producing time. When we look at the state of the world, the needless wars and terrorism, the hatred and racism, the polarization of the American populace and government in regards to what we need and don’t need and the reduction of our rights in so many areas, we understand that this can easily cause many a sleepless night.

The question is how we choose to battle the silent yet deadly issues that can be a cause of anxiety and distress.

I choose to first start with positive measures that involve discussion and communication and healthy and sound physical and mental exercises to go in a positive direction.

Rome was not built in a day and whether we like it or not, we truly have little control, if any, over so much that occurs, but we do have control over what we do, how we react, and how we proceed.

Published by RJK

Seventy something, father, educator, organizer, Francophile, traveler, amateur photographer, gardener, cyclist, kayaker, calligrapher, cinephile, reader, and overall renaissance type human being.

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