Now I am worried…

It is almost five in the afternoon, it is about as dark as the picture I took this morning in the back yard.  MK has been working all day getting ready for a family dinner, otherwise known as Ribfest.

I am concerned.  Something just occurred to me.  I have spent the entire day in the lower part of the house, cleaning up my office, tending to my job supplies from the job that, for all practical purposes, ended in June.  I am still “on call” periodically to fill in for them and/or travel to a conference or two, maybe… 

The equipment and paper materials annoy me.  They take up a great amount of space and it doesn’t seem cost effective to me at all.  The paper material is date sensitive so I am guessing that when and if I may need it, it may not even be appropriate. 

I spent the entire day straightening it up and getting rid of what I know would definitely not be useful even today.  I pretty much know where everything is and now the corner where I keep the stuff is pretty much totally organized.  It still is taking up a lot of space. 

My desk area is cleared for once and I have gone through my personal stuff once again.  I had to go through the papers I have collected for my mom, filing them and storing them.  I have gone through my own papers and tried to put everything away so I can actually find stuff.  I have boxed, cleaned, recycled.

The boys have called and they oldest and youngest are on their way.  They intend to pick up the cooking and leave Mary Kay and me the other tasks. 

Did I mention I was worried?  I am.  I didn’t have the best sleep last night and today I realize that I went into “cleaning mode.”  As I have gotten more mature (is any more possible after the age of fifty-nine, I must have really been immature!), I have come to the realization that when I go into this mode that I am showing that I am worried about something.  This is how I deal with my stress.  And all this occurring just when I thought I was de-stressing…

I shall keep you posted.

Oh, they have arrived, let the party begin!  I just heard Samantha call, “Papi!”

Published by RJK

Seventy something, father, educator, organizer, Francophile, traveler, amateur photographer, gardener, cyclist, kayaker, calligrapher, cinephile, reader, and overall renaissance type human being.

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